Not Top Producer (the software), but top producers… like super Realtors® with super-human closing...
What You Can Learn From Top Producers
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Generally, sellers and buyers are seeking benefits: money saved, money earned, exclusivity, customization, saved time, and increased exposure. All of these are things that customers want. How you deliver those things uniquely is where the rubber meets the road.So, before you go on your next listing appointment or work with your next buyer, you need to consider how you do things differently. Take time to stake out your competition or other people that sell homes in your area. Study their websites, their branding, their specialization. Check out their closings, and read online reviews of their services. Make a list of what they do, and then make a list of what you do. What’s on your list that is not on theirs? Well, that’s where you begin to identify your value proposition.
Not Top Producer (the software), but top producers… like super Realtors® with super-human closing...
Traditionally, the average real estate professional (just like the average American) makes some...
New and old agents alike dream of listings. After all, you’ve probably heard the old saying, “If...